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Celebrate Restoration!

There are some phenomenal things happening around the country in the abortion recovery arena that have just recently appeared on my radar (not at ALL surprising since I am pretty new to this). For example, I recently heard about a pregnancy resource center in Columbus, Ohio (my alma mater) that regularly hosts drop-in style meetings for those who have "graduated" from their healing bible study to help participants stay connected. And not only that, they also sponsor a yearly luncheon for women who have had abortions to have a safe space to gather in and be loved on in a special way. The sponsoring organization I am writing about is Pregnancy Decision Health Centers in Columbus, Ohio and I am blessed to be introducing their Pregnancy Loss Director, Ms. Carolyn Klair, as our featured speaker for our Arise Daughter Refresh Meeting Thursday, June 3rd. at 7pm. (meeting ID: 851.3979.9066. Passcode: 110511).

Come and be Refreshed with new ideas about how we can broaden our aftercare of women and men who have been courageous enough to take their first steps toward healing. She is going to speak in detail about their program, how they have developed a tribe of volunteers, what it's like to put together such a healing event and how they partner with other aftercare programs. this is a "can't miss" opportunity ESPECIALLY if you are a mentor or director of an abortion recovery program. Much Love, Sylvia

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