I simply cannot promise that this will be my last post about the play "Viable." Why? Because the discussions it generates reverberate long after the 105 minutes is over! I got the opportunity to watch it with my husband and then have a lively discussion about it afterwards on the Forum page devoted to the play; it was so therapeutic!!! First, you have to be READY to experience all that the play has to offer. I must say now that there will be points that may or may not trigger some strong emotions that you may or may not have had the opportunity to confront yet. That being said, you have several options at your disposal. You can go to www.abortionchangesyou.com to find a local post-abortion recovery resource. Also, feel free to discuss your impressions on our Forum page after viewing the play. "Viable" is the type of healing resource that you will DEFINITELY want to discuss with someone after processing the experience and I will be more than happy to chat with you about it. If you missed the free streaming of the play, head over to: https://salemnow.com/viable/ and for $2.99 you can stream "Viable" on demand. I could see it being a resource for women's ministries as part of a powerful series on healing. Let me know how "Viable" the play has touched your life; Read our Forum posts and you will see how it touched mine. Much love!
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