Honestly, a lot of what God will ask us to do will defy the odds. Maybe you think you aren't worthy to get it done. Could be that your qualifications don't match up to the job at hand. You search for reasons 'why' you were chosen and you come up with no answers.
I have found that that's the precise time to lean into your "Yes God." Questions may get answered later but, answers should not be the goal. The best answer is, "Yes" and then watch what God does with it.
I say all of that to say that God multipled our "Yes" last week at the Celebration of Restoration luncheon in Columbus, Ohio as we shared the "Bride of Christ" message he gave to us; we are still floating from that weekend!
The last two portions to report on was: 1. our worship time at Hope City House of Prayer in Columbus on Sunday morning. We were blessed to spend time before the Lord together as a ministry which was AMAZING! The message was, "Going on with Him" which challenged us to continue to say "Yes" to God despite what it looks like. This church family of young, vibrant worshipers welcomed us with open arms. We cannot WAIT to come back in October as they host us for our very first Art show and Wellness event titled; "Metamorphosis; from Broken to Healed." Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 22, 2022 from 10 am to 2pm. Register early at AriseDaughter.org so that we have enough supplies and food. We plan to have a virtual livestream as well so that you can participate from anywhere.

The second thing was how God used an encouraging word written by Roxanne Fields, our Artist in Residence and I to bolster volunteers at Pregnancy Decision Health Centers in Columbus. Carolyn Klair challenged me to write a poem for the faithful volunteers who council abortion minded women not knowing what "choice" the women will make. It is difficult work and sometimes demoralizing when women, despite all that is spoken over them still choose abortion. But they show up every week any way to say "Yes" to their God-given assignment.
Here is the word we came up with that went out to 110 volunteers Thursday night at their appreciation dinner:
Don't give up!
There will be a life saved.
Even if it's just your own
Don't give up!
Wise council
Doesn't always fall
On wise ears.
Don't give up!
Maybe they aren't ready
Even though you've
Completed your assignment.
Don't lose your calling
For that baby
Who has to be saved
From his Mother's fears.
Let not your heart
Be troubled daughter
You sowed the seed.
At the end of the day
It is their journey.
To walk through the flowers
Or the weeds
Keep your arms ready
For the next Mom
To comfort
As they rise up
Towards hope.
Don't give up!
By Roxy Fields and Sylvia Blakely for the warriors at PDHC and all frontline workers.
Dec. 8, 2021
Drop us a line and let us know where your "Yes" is taking you!
Much love! Sylvia