Be sure to mark your calendars for next Thursday's "Refresh" meeting as we welcome
Ms. Terri Baxter, Director of H3Helpline. H3Helpline is our referral resource for anyone seeking 24/7 live-staffed post-abortion counseling. I am honored that Terri will be sharing with us the motivation behind her ministry, how the website works and some of the training her phone counselors experience. If you are often at a loss as to where to send those hurting after abortion, whether it is minutes or years after, then be present
Thursday, March 4th at 7pm for our Zoom call. Invite friends and especially staff to this important presentation.
RSVP under "Events" on the main page or simply join us on Zoom at 7pm EST using the Zoom meeting ID: 881 1859 4141.
Much love and I will see you Thursday, March 4th at 7pm at the next "Refresh!" Sylvia