Many of you who follow this blog know that I had been without my cellphone for about 5 weeks. The much needed drought just ended on Friday when Samsung finally returned my phone.
Can I tell you that part of me didn't miss it.one.bit?!
Being phoneless took some getting used to; like a whole 12 hours or so. The fact that it happened right at the beginnig of my trip to Europe seemed incredible but also intentional. It appears that I, the photographer, was to capture certain memories with my eyes only. And so, I relinquished my need to record and report everything and I simply enjoyed people, places and off the path adventures all the more.
I encourage you to try it.
My biggest worry- losing touch with family, the Arise Daughter team and mentees- proved to be unfounded. Everyone was safe, and doing quite well without hearing from me daily.
Tweet this: Sometimes we can make ourselves out to be more important than we are.
So, if the summer months afford you an opportunity to connect with people while disconnecting from the internet then I would highly encourage it. Trust me: God has some folks for you to truly FaceTime with. There are some souls who aren't at the other end of a screen that He can use you to reach.
There can be more service without cell service.
Much love and many blessings! Sylvia
I‘ll be repeating- “There can be more service without cell service.“ :))