One of the most precious titles a woman can own with genuine pride is "Mother." Being a mother is a function, a role, a lifestyle, and a God-given gift. So much of who we are or aren't was shaped by our moms' influence. She is our cultural "norm"-someone we bounce other references off of. She is our present, our past and our potential future.
Recently, I had the amazing opportunity to spend quality time with a group of women fighting for womanhood and mommyhood at the same time (you wouldn't think those two states of being were mutually exclusive but many archaic types are trying, in vain, to separate the two). These mostly Gen Z women are acutely and personally aware of the challenges of being a working mom while fighting for the lives of both women and children to be as rich as our nation promises.

Gone are the old days, and old arguments that pit a moms career mobility against her childs' life and flourishing. It is so '70's to say motherhood does not fulfill a woman as much as her career could. And it is dangerous to society and antithetical to the ethos of women to try to push a scarcity mentality of, "It's either me or my child."
We are not "either/or" beings but "both/and" beings.
These vibrant women, many of who are also moms AND executives, came together in Hurst , Texas at the headquarters of Embrace Grace - which is a ministry focused solely on helping single moms thrive- to demonstrably state that we can "love them both." We trip ourselves up as a self serving nation when we try to make what comes naturally to all of creation into an anomaly. Even men are being made to feel like their upward mobility is tied to whether or not they become fathers. This has meant more and more men are pushing women towards abortion which is unconscionable (more on that in June).
If we aren't fighting and striving for the welfare of the next generation, then, what in the world are we doing? I'll tell you what we are doing; we are arrogantly abandoning God's current and future blessings. God says He is prepared to bless us into the THOUSANDS of generations. Deuteronomy 7: 9 AMP says: "Therefore know [without any doubt] and understand that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who is keeping His covenant and His [steadfast] lovingkindness to a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments;"
That can only be fulfilled if we stop aborting our blessings.
Let's enjoy and celebrate motherhood for all of its diversity, challenges and joys. To be a biological mom is nothing short of a miracle and simultaneously, the most natural experience in the world. Let us remember that motherhood is a growing step in the journey of womanhood- one that is missed to our peril. Let us not continue to fall for shallow, short-sighted and bizarre notions that place a mother in the "less than' box.
Remember, we are here to walk with you if your lost motherhood has you dreading mothers day. Connect on our website: or by email at: to visit.
Many blessings! Sylvia
Song: "I'll Always Love My Mama" by the Intruders
May 2021 was my first Mother’s Day as a free post-abortive mother, and it was a crazy joyful time! In my Sunday clothes I took a stroll, genuinely rejoiced with young neighbor Moms, and happily told one who asked about my children in Heaven! It took 50 years, uh huh. and I’m still basking in that jubilee joy!